Thursday, January 22, 2015

Relationship between writing and design

The relationship between writing and design has a lot to do with good communication. Design is what attracts the reader to your piece. It's what makes them want to keep reading. If the design and actual writing are both interesting, then your story will be so much better. I realize that written communication is more involved and feels deeper when design is involved. I feel that the design of a certain work can make or break it in some cases. Even if your writing is great, without that design to match, readers may not be as interested. When writing and design are together, there's also a lot more communication that could occur. Now the readers can discuss so much more then just the words. The discussions would be a lot more involved as well. Every piece of writing has some form of structure or design to it, but the more you add, the better the overall piece will be. Good design just makes written communication even better.

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